Books Available for Checkout

If you would like to obtain some of the resources for a month contact Stan Zorn 541-683-5885. He will then bring them with him to the next club event. Preferable before the Saturday before the next event.

Name of Book Author
A Chukar Hunter’s
Pat Wray
About Training Pointing
Paul Long
Best Way to Train Your
Gun Dog
Bill Tarrant
Beyond Basic Dog Training Diane L. Bauman
Bird Dog The Instinctive
Training Method
Ben O. Williams
Black’s 1999 Wing &
James F Black
C.A. Johnson on Here,
Whoa, Dead Bird
Clarence Williams
Canine Body Language Brenda Aloff
Cesar’s Way Cesar Millan
Dogs Everything You Need
to Know to Care for Your Pet
Heather Latimer
Great Beginnings – The
First Year – DVD
George Hickox
Gun Dog Richard A. Wolters
Gun Dogs Master Training
John  R Falk
Hey Pup, Fetch It Up! Bill Tarrant
How to Housebreak Your
Dog in 7 Days
Shirlee Kalstone
Hunting Dog Know-How David Michael Duffey
Learning About Dogs
Clicker Gundog
Helen Phillips
Positive Gun Dogs Clicker
Training for Sporting Dogs
Jim Barry, Mary Emmen & Susan Smith
Retriever Training Drills
for Blind Retrieves
James B. Spencer
Retriever Training Drills
for Marking
James B. Spencer
Speed Train Your Own Bird
Larry Mueller
Speed Train Your Own
Larry Mueller
The Clicked Retrieve Lana Mitchell
The Dog in Action McDowell Lyon
The Dog Listener Jan Fennell
The Dog Whisperer Paul Owens
The Dynamics of Canine
Leon Hollenbeck
The Evans Guide For
Counseling Dog Owners
Job Michael Evans
The Thinking Dog Gail Tamases Fisher
Train Your Dog for
Stephen C. Rafe
Training Retrievers  & Spaniels to Hunt ‘Em Up ! Joe Arnette & George Hickox
Training Retrievers to
D.L. and Ann Walters
Training Your Retriever James Lamb Free
Treasury of Great Dog
Roger Caras
Tri-tronics Retriever
Jim & Phyllis Dobbs
Why Does Your Dog Do That Goran Bergman
Wing & Shot Gun Dog
Robert G. Wehle
Wingshooter’s Guide to
John Shewey